Correlations and Topology in Moiré Materials
Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 27 – 30 July 2025
This workshop will bring together leading experimentalists and theorists in the field of strongly correlated and topological moiré materials: a new class of quantum materials with highly tunable properties. In particular twisted bilayer graphene and bilayer transition-metal dichalcogenides have shown to realize unconventional electron phases, ranging from strange metals, fractional Chern insulators to exotic magnetic states, Mott insulators and heavy fermion physics. Understanding these phases is one of the key questions of quantum matter research. Our workshop will focus on comparing theory to experiments of correlated moiré materials, and enhancing collaboration within the moiré community through intensive discussions. The goal of this workshop is to establish the current state-of-the-art knowledge for correlated moiré materials, and relevant open research questions for future research.
Invited speakers
Strange metals
Dmitri Efetov - Ludwig Maximilian University of MunichAntoine Georges - Flatiron Institute - Collège de France - Ecole Polytechnique - Université de Genève
Fractional quantum Hall states
Xiaodong Xu - University of WashingtonSid Parameswaran - University of Oxford
Mott insulators
Atac Imamoglu - ETH ZürichLeni Bascones - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid
Abhay Pasupathy - Columbia UniversityMitali Banerjee - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Aline Ramires - Paul Scherrer Institute
Laura Classen - Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Louk Rademaker - Université de Genève
Cecile Repellin - Laboratory of Physics and Modeling of Condensed Matter CNRS
Glenn Wagner - ETH Zürich
Administrative & technical support
Adriana Bonito Aleman - Université de Genève
Pierre Bouillot - Université de Genève
Jean-Claude Schnuriger - Université de Genève
Contact: info@moire25.ch
- Application and abstract submission until February 17th 2025.
- Notification of acceptance together with details about the payment process will be sent via e-mail by the end of March 2025.
- The conference will be held on 27 - 30 July 2025.
The workshop will take place in Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) center in Ascona, Ticino, Switzerland.